Inner facilities package for participant


Date Day of the race Weekday Program Accommodation Meals
29.04 1st day Wednesday Arrival in Mineralnie Vody/Pyatigorsk/Nalchik (plane, train). Transfer to the glade Azau. Hotel. Accommodation. Hotel on glade Azau. Lunch / Supper
30.04 2nd day Thursday Acclimatization. / Registration. Hotel on glade Azau. Lunch / Supper
01.05 3d day Friday Ski-mountaineering race / Inauguration of the Festival / Acclimatization. Hotel on glade Azau or Garabashi, «Barrels». Lunch / Supper
02.05 4th day Saturday Ski-mountaineering race / Acclimatization. Hotel on glade Azau or Garabashi, «Barrels». Lunch / Supper
03.05 5th day Sunday Ski-mountaineering race / Acclimatization / Registration / Briefing of the Elbrus Vertical Kilometer®. Hotel on glade Azau. Lunch / Supper
04.05 6th day Monday Vertical Kilometer® - Mt Elbrus / Briefing. Hotel on glade Azau or Garabashi, «Barrels». Lunch / Supper
05.05 7th day Tuesday Ski-mountaineering race / The participants of the high-speed run (Nonprofessional class) and the judges go up to the “Barrels” (Garabashi) / Briefing of the SkyMarathon® - Mt Elbrus. Hotel on glade Azau or Garabashi, «Barrels». Lunch / Dinner / Supper
06.05 8th day Wednesday SkyMarathon® - Mt Elbrus. The participants can go down to the hotel at will. / Briefing of the snow-shoes race. Hotel on glade Azau or Garabashi, «Barrels». Lunch / Supper
07.05 9th day Thursday Red Fox TSL Challenge. Snow-shoes race / Awarding ceremony / Closing ceremony of the Festival / Celebratory supper / Reserve day. Hotel on glade Azau. Lunch / Supper
08.05 10th day Friday Transfer to Mineralnie Vody / Pyatigorsk / Nalchik. (plane, train). Lunch

The cost of facilities package for participant is 50 Euros per day (lunch / supper). Transfer (from Mineralny Vody airport and back) - 100 Euros.

If you take this facilities package, you will have the guaranteed place in one of the hotels on glade Azau and «Barrels». There are the special prices of hotels only for the Festival Red Fox Elbrus Race.

Facilities package for participant includes:
1. Transfer Mineralnie Vody/ Pyatigorsk/ Nalchik - glade Azau and glade Azau - Mineralnie Vody/ Pyatigorsk/ Nalchik.
2. Accommodation in one of the hotels on glade Azau (double rooms with facilities), including meals. It could be accommodation of 3 persons in one room on the assumption of odd members in group.
3. Accommodation in "Barrels", Garabashi, including meals.
4. Passport registration.
5. Celebratory dinner.

Facilities package for participant doesn't include:
1. Passage to Mineralnie Vody / Pyatigorsk / Nalchik.
2. Dinner in one of the hotels on glade Azau.
3. Pass for ski lift.
4. Personal expenditure.
5. Fee.

If you need the facilities package for participant, send the letter by E-mail:

In future we will need the additional information about date and time of arrival in Mineralnie Vody, Pyatigorsk, Nalchik and number of flight.